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Kendel Christensen

Suicide Squad and How We Are All Played for Suckers Mind

Suicide Squad and How We Are All Played for Suckers

“The personal life deeply lived always expands into truths beyond itself.” ~Anais Nin So I recently saw a screening of Warner Brother and DC’s newest offering, Suicide Squad and, without giving too much away… it involves a lot of manipulation—specifically, forcing people to act against their own self-interest. In the words of Amanda Waller, the heavy-handed…
Kendel Christensen
August 11, 2016
What is Learned Empowerment? Mind

What is Learned Empowerment?

Hi I’m Kendel Christensen, Welcome to Learned Empowerment. What is Learned Empowerment? Learned Empowerment is about believing we can change reality. If there is something in life we don’t like, we can change it. It’s about making a conscious decision to not be a victim in life, and instead ask ourselves more creative questions. This…
Kendel Christensen
April 7, 2015
My Story Spiritual

My Story

For most of my life, I wasn’t really living. I was more… watching life. I watched as others would raise their hands to answer questions in class. I watched as others would suggest ideas and make plans. I watched as others started conversations and made things happen. Me? No way. Engaging with people scared me,…
Kendel Christensen
November 5, 2014